Millie the Turtle

Hi! I’m Millie the Turtle.

Nita asked me if I would help contribute to a special page just about me and talk about my great atletitic abilities and my Turtle conservation efforts.

Nita was so impressed with my Olympic potential when we first met at the lake. I was so happy that she even wrote about it and gave me a whole chapter in the first book “Nita n Friends”.

We were so happy when she arrived to our Far Forest. She has become such a good friend and is making such a big difference in all our Far Forest Conservation efforts.

The Journey of Nita the Crow: Nita Meets the Far Forest

Chapter 3: Cheerful Sportsman Nita Meets Millie

Here’s a blurb from my chapter I’m so proud of….

How was it possible that such a big turtle with that heavy shell could get so airborne with all that weight. Millie truly was an impressive athlete. Nita got the feeling that she was a professional at almost every possible sport as she listened to the turtle’s stories.

Millie said that she had been an avid athlete all her life and was good at practically any sport. This was mainly due to her incredible ability to focus and just her natural raw athletic ability. Currently she was trying to master high jumping with a pole to feel the joy of flying high above the ground.
“Don’t you want to try pole vaulting too, getting high off the ground and then splash in the water?” the turtle asked the crow.
“Imagine the rush of diving deep into the water after flying so high in the air”.
The crow calmly replied “Thanks, but I actually gravitate more towards daily aviation sports and skip the water part”.

Millie Shopping Cart of Items

I work so hard daily, especially after having these nice words as it has really inspired me to train harder for my next Olympic Event.

When I’m not training at the Lake, I work really hard too talking about turtles and Turtle conservation and how important it is to keep our species going. There are so many good people helping to save our beaches and turtle habitats.

Nita has agreed to help promote Turtle Conservation and agreed to donate partial proceeds to all these turtles causes with Nita n Friends.
Sooo, I thought that maybe you would like to buy something with my Turtle Face on it… if you want, have a look at my sporty tshirt or ball cap..


Here are some of my favorite turtle projects to talk about
SEE Turtles
Turtle Foundation
Olive Ridley Project
The Leatherback Trust
Turtle Island Restoration Network
Sea Turtle Conservancy
Oceanic Society
Sea Turtle Inc.
Want to travel and volunteer?

Thanks for visiting my site and I hope you can see me participate in the next big Olympic event. Nita’s working on book 2 and asked if I would help out with that too.

Millie the Turtle.